There are many people considering having plastic surgery during summer vacation,
however, reluctant to do it due to fear of infection
that might be present post surgery.
Thus, we will tell you the misunderstanding and truth about having surgery in summer today.
1. In the summer, germs spread more easily than winter.
Even with small movement during summer,
you get sweaty which make bacteria to be bred
more easily;
thus, it might cause inflammation in the surgical area.
however, recently
the surgery is being performed
with safe and hygienic environment
with modern and highly developed technology
so that there is less possibility of infection.
2. In the summer, inflammation is caused more easily.
As medication for inflammation is prescribed post surgery, it barely appears.
However, if you do not follow the precaution,
you might get an infection regardless of season.
Please avoid drinking or smoking for 3-4 weeks
after surgery to reduce any chance of occurrence
in infection and have plenty of sleep.
3. In the summer,
it takes more time for swelling to be reduced.
Swelling is subsided within shorter time in summer
than winter as hot weather stimulates blood circulation
which results in swelling to be reduced more quickly.
It is recommend to apply ice-pack for 2-3 days
to reduce swelling
and then apply warm-pack together
to promote blood circulation which helps fast recovery.
Also you may start to wash your face
after all stitches are removed
and keep you upper body elevated.
The level of swelling may vary
depending on how you manage it.
4. Extended exposure to ultraviolet radiation is poison
to the operated area.
If the surgical area is exposed to the strong UV
for a long time,
Slight color changes on the surgical area
could be appeared which results in leaving scars
or raising pigmentation.
Thus, wearing sunglasses, hat or umbrella
is required to protect the operated area from the UV.
Till now, misunderstanding and truth
about having surgery in summer were introduced.
For the successful results after surgery,
post-care is as much important as surgery itself;
Please do not forget to apply ice-pack and warm pack, follow the precautions thoroughly and walk around
or do light exercise to activate metabolism
so that you would have satisfied outcomes.
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BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic
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***Below is BK's Singapore branch ***
BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic
#08-05,06 Novena Medical Centre, 10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore, 307506

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