Saturday 30 April 2016

[BK Plastic Surgery] Cinderella Injection


 Want to be a Princess like Cinderella?

BK provides our secret method for those who desire natural beauty

  • CINDERELLA INJECTION is called "baby face injection" and is made of Alpha-Lipoic Acid. Also known as thiotic acid, ALA is naturally produced in the body, as well as absorbed from certain foods we eat, such as red meat, spinach, potatoes, broccoli. 


                               WHO NEEDS CINDERELLA INJECTION

                  -Highly suggested if you want to have...

  • Brightening skin color as injection tones up the entire face
  • Activate fat resolving and effectively reduce body fat 
  • Increase skin elasticity and decrease wrinkles 
  • Feeling less exhausted after daily activity 
  • Regulation of blood glucose causing effects on geriatric diseases 

BK Plastic Surgery (Headquarter) Contact Information for international patients

***Headquarter of BK is located in Seoul, Korea ***

                                                         English +82 10 5021 8886

Indonesia : +82 10-7152-8892

Malaysia :  +82-10-9481-8960

Singapore :  +65 9389 7749

China : +82 10 4934 8886

Japan : +82 10 7128 3886

Mongolia : +82 10 4072 0403

Vietnam : +82 10 4732 8894

Russia: +82 10 4783 8886

Thailand: +82 10 4783 8886 

***Below is BK's Singapore branch ***

BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic

#08-05,06 Novena Medical Centre, 10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore, 307506



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